Artist in residence: Popo Fan
Entrance free of charge!
THU 26/10 17:00 SLOTTS
In 2021 Region Uppsala, in collaboration with Uppsala Short Film Festival, launched the Uppsala International Film Residency. This residency programme enables a professional filmmaker working in Europe to reside in the county of Uppsala for a four week period. The aim of the residency is to offer the filmmaker time for the creative development of an ongoing project as well as teaching opportunities and exchanges with regional filmmakers and students.
During October 2023, the filmmaker and artist Popo Fan will participate in Region Uppsala’s Film Residency programme. At Uppsala Short Film Festival Popo’s talk will be about his work and his experiences of being a filmmaker in the diaspora.
Since 2009, Popo Fan’s queer documentary films have made a notable impact on Chinese society. In 2017, he relocated from Beijing to Berlin, where he has concentrated on writing and directing scripted shorts. His films are usually inspired by real experience and feature intersectional topics of LGBTQI, migrants and sex.