Hey I’m nominated for PorYes award 2023! Come and celebrate a whole weekend of events! Life is short, be s3x positive!
Sa. 21.10.23 8 pm
Ceremony with the nominated filmmakers,
sexy filmclips and show acts.
In cooperation with HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Location: Hebbel Theater am Ufer
Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin
Sa, 21.10. 10.30 pm
PorYes PorTy
Legendary After-Show-Party,
Public Award, Showacts, Performances,
Burlesque and and andLocation: Forum Factory
Besselstr., 13-14, 10969 BerlinTickets
& at the venue
15-9 €
S0. 22.10.23 7 pm
Slow down & Pleasure Up?
Discussion with Awarded Eri Sarmet, Popo Fan, Jamal Phoenix. Talk in english mit dt. Üs.,
Location: Sonntagsclub,
Greifenhagener Str. 28, 10437 Berlin Prenzlberg.
Tickets& at the venue
Mo. 23.10.23 7 pm
Consciousness Raising in Feminist Porn –
How to de-colonialising bodies
with Prof. Mari Mikkola and filmmakers
Location: Humboldt University, Hörsaal 7
Invalidenstrasse 42, 10115 Berlin
free entry