My video of Erika Lust production “Hey, Siro” will be part of the Sleaze Party on May 12th at Schwuz Queer Club! See you then!
Scandal! Because a felt of the perverted covers SchwuZ and lets it shine in a toxic glow.
Welcome to SLEAZE.
Sweaty house music, upbeat disco groove and pounding techno beats meet non-binary beings, wild demons and passionate seducers. The winding path leads into the inner world of a large darkroom. Pierre Emö will treat you there with his QueerPornCinema.
On the SchwuZ stage, too, a chapter full of scandalous stories opens at SLEAZE. Open the curtain for the “Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret”. Dubious performers present themselves there inappropriately and slyly. On this evening SchwuZ turns out to be shabby, vulgar and loudmouthed.
“For perversion is the only medicine that frees us from heterosexuality,” says head of the project Michael von Fischbach.
House/Techno/Disco hosted by Duma Collective: Luigi di Venere, sciarada, Solco privato*, Tom Dragebo
Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret: Nomai & Queer Falafel, hosted by Bishop Black
QueerPornCinema curated by Pierre Emö with Ediyporn, Popo Fan, George Pedrosa
Access adults only 18+
10.30pm: doors & cash desk
11pm program starts