Date and time
Sat, Feb 3, 2024 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST
254 East Georgia St
254 East Georgia St Vancouver, BC V6A 1Z7 Canada
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About this event
Featuring documentaries and independent films created by Chinese queer feminists, this screening+dialogue series speaks about marginalized individuals' journeys of resistance and empowerment in the past decades where we witnessed increasing crackdowns on China’s queers and feminists communities. We invite you to join as we hope this series can gather Chinese diasporas and queer allies as a community in solidarity despite state surveillance wanting to break us into isolated fragments.
Our second movie focuses on mothers of LGBTQ+ individuals in China and how love connects us all. The screening will be followed by a pre-recorded Q&A from the director Fan Popo (who's currently residing in Berlin), and a facilitated discussion among participants.
LOCATION: atelier254 Chinatown (the venue is located on the second floor and can only be accessed through the stairs, we apologize that it is not wheelchair friendly)
DONATION: suggested donation $5 - $10 at door
DATE & TIME: Saturday, 2PM sharp, February 3, 2024.
Mama Rainbow 彩虹伴我心
Documentary, China, 2012, 80mins
Directed by Popo Fan
Subtitles in Simplified Chinese and English
Synopsis: “What if your son or daughter told you they were gay?” Six Chinese mothers share openly and freely about their experiences as parents of gay and lesbian children with the camera, in a culture where queer identity and sexual outness is strictly unaccepted. Though the specifics of their stories are all different, each mother shares their own version of a “coming out” tale — recognizing, acknowledging, and accepting their children’s sexualities. Mama Rainbow paints a hopeful portrait of the slowly changing mindset of a culture where the fear of persecution and rejection still makes coming out and living openly a great challenge. With their love, they are giving a whole new definition to Chinese-style family bonds.
故事梗概: “如果你的兒子或女兒告訴你他們是同性戀,你會怎麼辦?” 在這個多元性別和性取向常常不被接受的文化裏,六位中國母親通過鏡頭暢言她們和同性戀子女相處的經驗。 儘管故事的具體細節各不相同,但每位母親都經歷了自己版本的「出櫃」故事——從發現、認可,到接納孩子的性取向。 《 彩虹伴我心 》讓我們看到中國社會對待性少數團體的心態正在緩慢變化的希望,儘管被迫害和拒絕的恐懼仍然令酷兒們出櫃和公開生活成為一項巨大的挑戰。她們用愛,給中國式親情賦予了全新的定義。
Popo Fan is a queer filmmaker, writer, and activist from China, where his queer documentary films have made a notable impact. Since 2016, he has concentrated on writing and directing scripted, sex-positive shorts. He is the co-founder of the Queer University Video Training Camp and has been an organizer of the Beijing Queer Film Festival for more than a decade. Popo was invited to sit on the jury of the Teddy Award of the Berlinale in 2019. He is currently based in Berlin developing his fictional feature debut.
范坡坡是一位酷兒導演、作者和活動家。 作品中影響力最大的莫過於“彩虹家庭三部曲”,包括《櫃族》、《彩虹伴我心》、《彩虹伴我行》三部作品關注於同志出櫃議題,引起巨大社會反響。 除此之外他參與組織北京酷兒影展十餘年,也是酷兒大學視訊訓練營的發起者之一。 2012年,香港同志影展授予他「玲瓏大獎」以表彰其在同志影像、平權的不懈努力。 2017年,他獲選參與柏林影展「天才訓練營」。 2019,他更擔任柏林影展泰迪熊獎評審。 目前他居住柏林正著力發展自己的劇情長片首作。
This event is open to public.
Chinese Queer Feminist Film Screening + Dialogue Series is a Vancouver-based, non-profit project. All donations collected in this event will be sent towards the filmmake and PFLAG China.
We welcome queers, feminists and allies. Please be reminded that this space requires participants to respect others’ identities and experiences as LGBTQ+, and feminists, their willingness of disclosing their identities in any ways, and to respect their pronouns use, name and gender expression. We are against any kinds of misogyny, any phobia (e.g., homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and aphobia), ableism, racism, sexism, mansplain and any other discriminatory ideology.