About mince princes, talking sex toys, misguided pick-up attempts and erotic desire in an old people’s home: the Fun Porn program shows with much self-irony that one should never take sex too seriously.
Die Autoficker (The Carfuckers), Josia Brezing, DE 2019, 1 min., dt. OV + engl. UT
Jizz VII, Or Srugo Sharon & Nadav Kain, IL 2019, 2 min., Engl. OV
Hysteria, Gerald Zahn, AT 2020, 3 min., no Dialogue
Der Mettigelprinz (The Mince Prince), Peter Ahlers, DE 2020, 22 min., dt. OV + engl. UT
Thank You for Sharing, Naomi Fearn & Marc Seestaedt, DE 2020, 4 min., engl. OV
Le Club (The Club), Esteban, FR 2016, 15 min., franz. OV + engl. UT
Toy Stories, Jo Sordini & Louise Dyhrfort, UK 2018, 5 min., engl. OV
Deep Clean, David Wilson, UK 2019, 4 min., engl. OV
The Kuleshov Effect, Werther Germondari, IT 2020, 2 min., russ. OV + engl. UT
Beer! Beer!, Popo Fan, DE 2019, 17 min., engl. + dt. OV + engl. UT